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This notebook trains a simple Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier for hand-written digit recognition (MNIST dataset).

from flax import linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import optax
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from typing import Sequence

# Show on which platform JAX is running.
print("JAX running on", jax.devices()[0].platform.upper())
2024-03-27 18:13:05.567203: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
/home/docs/checkouts/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
  from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
JAX running on CPU
# @markdown The learning rate for the optimizer:
LEARNING_RATE = 0.002 # @param{type:"number"}
# @markdown Number of samples in each batch:
BATCH_SIZE = 128 # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown Total number of epochs to train for:
N_EPOCHS = 5 # @param{type:"integer"}

MNIST is a dataset of 28x28 images with 1 channel. We now load the dataset using tensorflow_datasets, apply min-max normalization to the images, shuffle the data in the train set and create batches of size BATCH_SIZE.

(train_loader, test_loader), info = tfds.load(
    "mnist", split=["train", "test"], as_supervised=True, with_info=True

min_max_rgb = lambda image, label: (tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255., label)
train_loader =
test_loader =

NUM_CLASSES = info.features["label"].num_classes
IMG_SIZE = info.features["image"].shape

train_loader_batched = train_loader.shuffle(
    buffer_size=10_000, reshuffle_each_iteration=True
).batch(BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

test_loader_batched = test_loader.batch(BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

The data is ready! Next let’s define a model. Optax is agnostic to which (if any) neural network library is used. Here we use Flax to implement a simple MLP.

class MLP(nn.Module):
  """A simple multilayer perceptron model for image classification."""
  hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = (1000, 1000)

  def __call__(self, x):
    # Flattens images in the batch.
    x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))
    x = nn.Dense(features=self.hidden_sizes[0])(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.Dense(features=self.hidden_sizes[1])(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.Dense(features=NUM_CLASSES)(x)
    return x
net = MLP()

def predict(params, inputs):
  return net.apply({"params": params}, inputs)

def loss_accuracy(params, data):
  """Computes loss and accuracy over a mini-batch.

    params: parameters of the model.
    bn_params: state of the model.
    data: tuple of (inputs, labels).
    is_training: if true, uses train mode, otherwise uses eval mode.

    loss: float
  inputs, labels = data
  logits = predict(params, inputs)
  loss = optax.softmax_cross_entropy_with_integer_labels(
      logits=logits, labels=labels
  accuracy = jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, axis=-1) == labels)
  return loss, {"accuracy": accuracy}

def update_model(state, grads):
  return state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)

Next we need to initialize network parameters and solver state. We also define a convenience function dataset_stats that we’ll call once per epoch to collect the loss and accuracy of our solver over the test set.

solver = optax.adam(LEARNING_RATE)
rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
dummy_data = jnp.ones((1,) + IMG_SIZE, dtype=jnp.float32)

params = net.init({"params": rng}, dummy_data)["params"]

solver_state = solver.init(params)

def dataset_stats(params, data_loader):
  """Computes loss and accuracy over the dataset `data_loader`."""
  all_accuracy = []
  all_loss = []
  for batch in data_loader.as_numpy_iterator():
    batch_loss, batch_aux = loss_accuracy(params, batch)
  return {"loss": np.mean(all_loss), "accuracy": np.mean(all_accuracy)}

Finally, we do the actual training. The next cell train the model for N_EPOCHS. Within each epoch we iterate over the batched loader train_loader_batched, and once per epoch we also compute the test set accuracy and loss.

train_accuracy = []
train_losses = []

# Computes test set accuracy at initialization.
test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
test_accuracy = [test_stats["accuracy"]]
test_losses = [test_stats["loss"]]

def train_step(params, solver_state, batch):
  # Performs a one step update.
  (loss, aux), grad = jax.value_and_grad(loss_accuracy, has_aux=True)(
      params, batch
  updates, solver_state = solver.update(grad, solver_state, params)
  params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
  return params, solver_state, loss, aux

for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):
  train_accuracy_epoch = []
  train_losses_epoch = []

  for train_batch in train_loader_batched.as_numpy_iterator():
    params, solver_state, train_loss, train_aux = train_step(
        params, solver_state, train_batch

  test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
2024-03-27 18:13:09.314331: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Local rendezvous is aborting with status: OUT_OF_RANGE: End of sequence
2024-03-27 18:13:24.274328: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Local rendezvous is aborting with status: OUT_OF_RANGE: End of sequence
2024-03-27 18:13:30.447124: W tensorflow/core/framework/] Local rendezvous is aborting with status: OUT_OF_RANGE: End of sequence
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 26
     23 train_losses_epoch = []
     25 for train_batch in train_loader_batched.as_numpy_iterator():
---> 26   params, solver_state, train_loss, train_aux = train_step(
     27       params, solver_state, train_batch
     28   )
     29   train_accuracy_epoch.append(train_aux["accuracy"])
     30   train_losses_epoch.append(train_loss)

File <string>:1, in <lambda>(_cls, count, mu, nu)

f"Improved accuracy on test DS from {test_accuracy[0]} to {test_accuracy[-1]}"
'Improved accuracy on test DS from 0.14463141560554504 to 0.9783653616905212'