Reduce on Plateau Learning Rate Scheduler

Reduce on Plateau Learning Rate Scheduler#

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In this notebook, we explore the power of optax.contrib.reduce_on_plateau() scheduler, that reduces the learning rate when a metric has stopped improving. We will be solving a classification task by training a simple Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) on the fashion MNIST dataset.

from typing import Sequence
from flax import linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

import optax
from optax import tree_utils as otu
from optax import contrib

# Show on which platform JAX is running.
print("JAX running on", jax.devices()[0].platform.upper())
JAX running on TPU

Data and model setup#

Fashion MNIST is a dataset of 28x28 grayscale image, associated with a label from 10 classes. We now load the dataset using tensorflow_datasets, apply min-max normalization to the images, shuffle the data in the train set and create batches of size BATCH_SIZE.

# @markdown Number of samples in each batch:
BATCH_SIZE = 128  # @param{type:"integer"}
(train_loader, test_loader), info = tfds.load(
    "fashion_mnist", split=["train", "test"], as_supervised=True, with_info=True

min_max_norm = lambda image, label: (tf.cast(image, tf.float32) / 255., label)
train_loader =
test_loader =

NUM_CLASSES = info.features["label"].num_classes
IMG_SIZE = info.features["image"].shape

train_loader_batched = train_loader.shuffle(
    buffer_size=10_000, reshuffle_each_iteration=True
).batch(BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

test_loader_batched = test_loader.batch(BATCH_SIZE, drop_remainder=True)

The data is ready! Next letโ€™s define a model. Optax is agnostic to which (if any) neural network library is used. Here we use Flax to implement a simple MLP.

class MLP(nn.Module):
  """A simple multilayer perceptron model for image classification."""
  hidden_sizes: Sequence[int] = (1000, 1000)

  def __call__(self, x):
    # Flattens images in the batch.
    x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))
    x = nn.Dense(features=self.hidden_sizes[0])(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.Dense(features=self.hidden_sizes[1])(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.Dense(features=NUM_CLASSES)(x)
    return x
net = MLP()

def loss_accuracy(params, data):
  """Computes loss and accuracy over a mini-batch.

    params: parameters of the model.
    data: tuple of (inputs, labels).

    loss: float
  inputs, labels = data
  logits = net.apply({"params": params}, inputs)
  loss = optax.softmax_cross_entropy_with_integer_labels(
      logits=logits, labels=labels
  accuracy = jnp.mean(jnp.argmax(logits, axis=-1) == labels)
  return loss, {"accuracy": accuracy}

Next we initialize network parameters.

rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
fake_data = jnp.ones((1,) + IMG_SIZE, dtype=jnp.float32)
init_params = net.init({"params": rng}, fake_data)["params"]

def dataset_stats(params, data_loader):
  """Computes loss and accuracy over the dataset `data_loader`."""
  all_accuracy = []
  all_loss = []
  for batch in data_loader.as_numpy_iterator():
    batch_loss, batch_aux = loss_accuracy(params, batch)
  return {"loss": np.mean(all_loss), "accuracy": np.mean(all_accuracy)}

Reduce on average training loss#

In this section, we consider an implementation that reduces the learning rate according to an average training loss value agglomerated for some accumulation size hyperparameter. In the next section, we consider an implementation that reduces the learning rate according to the test loss.

In both examples, we consider an adam optimizer with a given learning rate that will be sclaed by reduce on plateau over a total of 50 epochs.

# @markdown Total number of epochs to train for:
N_EPOCHS = 50  # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown The base learning rate for the optimizer:
LEARNING_RATE = 0.01  # @param{type:"number"}

We set up the hyperparameters of reduce on plateau in this example.

# @markdown Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced:
PATIENCE = 5  # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation after the learning rate reduction:
COOLDOWN = 0  # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown Factor by which to reduce the learning rate:
FACTOR = 0.5  # @param{type:"number"}
# @markdown Relative tolerance for measuring the new optimum:
RTOL = 1e-4  # @param{type:"number"}
# @markdown Number of iterations to accumulate an average value:

We chain the base optimizer (adam) and the reduce on plateau transformation.

opt = optax.chain(
opt_state = opt.init(init_params)

In the training step, we feed the current value of the loss to the chained optimizer. This value is used to compute an average on ACCUMULATION_SIZE number of iterations by reduce on plateau.

def train_step(params, opt_state, batch):
  """Performs a one step update."""
  (value, aux), grad = jax.value_and_grad(loss_accuracy, has_aux=True)(
      params, batch
  updates, opt_state = opt.update(grad, opt_state, params, value=value)
  params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
  return params, opt_state, value, aux

params = init_params

# Computes metrics at initialization.
train_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
train_accuracy = [train_stats["accuracy"]]
train_losses = [train_stats['loss']]

test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
test_accuracy = [test_stats["accuracy"]]
test_losses = [test_stats["loss"]]

lr_scale_history = []
for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):
  train_accuracy_epoch = []
  train_losses_epoch = []

  for _, train_batch in enumerate(train_loader_batched.as_numpy_iterator()):
    params, opt_state, train_loss, train_aux = train_step(
        params, opt_state, train_batch

  mean_train_accuracy = np.mean(train_accuracy_epoch)
  mean_train_loss = np.mean(train_losses_epoch)

  # fetch the scaling factor from the reduce_on_plateau transform
  lr_scale = otu.tree_get(opt_state, "scale")


  test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
      f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{N_EPOCHS}, mean train accuracy:"
      f" {mean_train_accuracy}, lr scale: {otu.tree_get(opt_state, 'scale')}"
Epoch 1/50, mean train accuracy: 0.795105516910553, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 2/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8480902910232544, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 3/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8569210767745972, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 4/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8639156222343445, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 5/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8677049875259399, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 6/50, mean train accuracy: 0.870559573173523, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 7/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8726295232772827, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 8/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8741152286529541, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 9/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8764022588729858, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 10/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8745325803756714, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 11/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8848991990089417, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 12/50, mean train accuracy: 0.890257716178894, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 13/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8912426829338074, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 14/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8928118348121643, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 15/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8932792544364929, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 16/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8935129642486572, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 17/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8973023295402527, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 18/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8988214731216431, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 19/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8978365659713745, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 20/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8976195454597473, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 21/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8993222713470459, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 22/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8984041213989258, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 23/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9016092419624329, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 24/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8995225429534912, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 25/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9009414911270142, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 26/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9032785892486572, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 27/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9015925526618958, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 28/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9078024625778198, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 29/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9122095108032227, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 30/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9130609035491943, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 31/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9130942821502686, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 32/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9132111668586731, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 33/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9133947491645813, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 34/50, mean train accuracy: 0.915831983089447, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 35/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9186698794364929, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 36/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9189369678497314, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 37/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9192207455635071, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 38/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9194210767745972, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 39/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9209067821502686, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 40/50, mean train accuracy: 0.920255720615387, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 41/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9212740659713745, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 42/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9211404919624329, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 43/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9217247366905212, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 44/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9235109686851501, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 45/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9244624972343445, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 46/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9247462749481201, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 47/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9258146286010742, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 48/50, mean train accuracy: 0.926315426826477, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 49/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9263654947280884, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 50/50, mean train accuracy: 0.926315426826477, lr scale: 0.03125
def plot(
    lr_scale_history, train_losses, train_accuracy, test_losses, test_accuracy
  plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20, 4.5)
  plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 18})

  fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=5)

  axs[0].plot(lr_scale_history[1:], lw=3)
  axs[0].set_title("LR Scale")
  axs[0].set_ylabel("LR Scale")

  axs[1].plot(train_losses[1:], lw=3)
  axs[1].set_title("Train loss")
  axs[1].set_ylabel("Train Loss")

  axs[2].plot(train_accuracy[1:], lw=3)
  axs[2].set_title("Train acc")
  axs[2].set_ylabel("Train acc")

  axs[3].plot(test_losses[1:], lw=3)
  axs[3].set_title("Test loss")
  axs[3].set_ylabel("Test Loss")

  axs[4].plot(test_accuracy[1:], lw=3)
  axs[4].set_title("Test acc")
  axs[4].set_ylabel("Test Acc")

plot(lr_scale_history, train_losses, train_accuracy, test_losses, test_accuracy)

Reduce on test loss plateau#

Here we consider an implementation that reduces the learning rate according to the test loss value. In this example, the accumulation size is just one as we manually gather the test loss outside of the transformation.

# @markdown Number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced:
PATIENCE = 5  # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown Number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation after the learning rate reduction:
COOLDOWN = 0  # @param{type:"integer"}
# @markdown Factor by which to reduce the learning rate:
FACTOR = 0.5  # @param{type:"number"}
# @markdown Relative tolerance for measuring the new optimum:
RTOL = 1e-4  # @param{type:"number"}
# @markdown Number of iterations to accumulate an average value:

The base optimizer is still adam.

solver = optax.adam(LEARNING_RATE)
solver_state = solver.init(init_params)

In the next cell, we initialize the contrib.reduce_on_plateau scheduler, which reduces learning rate when a monitored metric (the test loss here) has stopped improving. We will be using this scheduler to scale the updates, produced by the regular Adam optimizer.

Note that the initial scale for the scheduler is not explicitly set, so it will default to 1.0, which means there will be no scaling of the learning rate initially.

transform = reduce_on_plateau(

# Creates initial state for `contrib.reduce_on_plateau` transformation.
transform_state = transform.init(init_params)
ReduceLROnPlateauState(scale=Array(1., dtype=float32), best_value=Array(inf, dtype=float32), plateau_count=Array(0, dtype=int32), cooldown_count=Array(0, dtype=int32), count=Array(0, dtype=int32), avg_value=Array(0., dtype=float32))

The next cell trains the model for N_EPOCHS epochs. At the end of each epoch, the learning rate scaling value is updated based on the loss computed on the test set.

def train_step(params, solver_state, transform_state, batch):
  """Performs a one step update."""
  (loss, aux), grad = jax.value_and_grad(loss_accuracy, has_aux=True)(
      params, batch
  # Computes updates scaled by the learning rate that was used to initialize
  # the `solver`.
  updates, solver_state = solver.update(grad, solver_state, params)
  # Scales updates, produced by `solver`, by the scaling value.
  updates = otu.tree_scalar_mul(transform_state.scale, updates)
  params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
  return params, solver_state, loss, aux

params = init_params

# Computes metrics at initialization.
train_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
train_accuracy = [train_stats["accuracy"]]
train_losses = [train_stats['loss']]

test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)
test_accuracy = [test_stats["accuracy"]]
test_losses = [test_stats["loss"]]

params = init_params
lr_scale_history = [transform_state.scale]
for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):
  train_accuracy_epoch = []
  train_losses_epoch = []

  for train_batch in train_loader_batched.as_numpy_iterator():
    params, solver_state, train_loss, train_aux = train_step(
        params, solver_state, transform_state, train_batch

  mean_train_accuracy = np.mean(train_accuracy_epoch)
  mean_train_loss = np.mean(train_losses_epoch)

  # Adjusts the learning rate scaling value using the loss computed on the
  # test set.
  _, transform_state = transform.update(
      updates=params, state=transform_state, value=test_stats["loss"]


  test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)

  test_stats = dataset_stats(params, test_loader_batched)

      f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{N_EPOCHS}, mean train accuracy:"
      f" {mean_train_accuracy}, lr scale: {transform_state.scale}"
Epoch 1/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8026175498962402, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 2/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8529981374740601, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 3/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8595252633094788, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 4/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8676048517227173, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 5/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8701255321502686, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 6/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8744324445724487, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 7/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8766693472862244, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 8/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8782885670661926, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 9/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8821113705635071, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 10/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8826956748962402, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 11/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8834802508354187, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 12/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8812767267227173, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 13/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8834134340286255, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 14/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8843482732772827, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 15/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8863682150840759, lr scale: 1.0
Epoch 16/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8878372311592102, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 17/50, mean train accuracy: 0.8978866338729858, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 18/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9000734686851501, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 19/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9014756679534912, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 20/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9022436141967773, lr scale: 0.5
Epoch 21/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9031950831413269, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 22/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9104066491127014, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 23/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9114916920661926, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 24/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9116252660751343, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 25/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9115418195724487, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 26/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9132612347602844, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 27/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9135617017745972, lr scale: 0.25
Epoch 28/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9140791893005371, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 29/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9189369678497314, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 30/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9193376302719116, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 31/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9191539883613586, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 32/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9194544553756714, lr scale: 0.125
Epoch 33/50, mean train accuracy: 0.919921875, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 34/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9227597713470459, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 35/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9232605695724487, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 36/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9238114356994629, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 37/50, mean train accuracy: 0.924161970615387, lr scale: 0.0625
Epoch 38/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9249966740608215, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 39/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9259148240089417, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 40/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9260316491127014, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 41/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9264823794364929, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 42/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9266993999481201, lr scale: 0.03125
Epoch 43/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9270666241645813, lr scale: 0.015625
Epoch 44/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9275173544883728, lr scale: 0.015625
Epoch 45/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9278512001037598, lr scale: 0.015625
Epoch 46/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9276843070983887, lr scale: 0.015625
Epoch 47/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9279513955116272, lr scale: 0.015625
Epoch 48/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9277176856994629, lr scale: 0.0078125
Epoch 49/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9284188151359558, lr scale: 0.0078125
Epoch 50/50, mean train accuracy: 0.9285857081413269, lr scale: 0.0078125
plot(lr_scale_history, train_losses, train_accuracy, test_losses, test_accuracy)